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Logistics hub to promote high-quality economic development in the new era
Posted by:Huifeng Logistics Release Time:2022-11-14

The new era hub economy, is a hub as the core, to gather flow and radiation as the characteristics, to optimize the spatial and temporal allocation of economic factors as the goal, to achieve logistics, capital flow, commercial flow, information flow and other "flow" integration supporting the economic system, in which a variety of traditional transport facilities and transport is the carrier of logistics, the Internet, mobile Internet, mobile Internet, Internet of Things, CPS are the carriers of digital flow, in this system, the transit, distribution and distribution functions play a supporting role.

The efficiency of the connection with the global supply chain determines the efficiency and competitiveness of the "hub economy", which provides market resources and lasting power for economic development through the aggregation of human, logistic, information and capital flows, thus promoting a high degree of industrial concentration and structural optimization to achieve sustainable development. The new hub economy should no longer be confined to the small space of the air and port economy, but be similar to the "platform economy", "aviation economy", "high-speed rail economy It is an economic system in which multiple transportation modes are integrated and supported, with transportation modes such as "platform economy", "aviation economy", "high-speed railway economy" and "maritime economy" as leaders. 

At present, economic resource elements are no longer a shortage problem, but a problem of efficient coordination and intelligent allocation. Logistics resources are also sufficient in quantity, but how to improve operational efficiency, achieve transformation and upgrading, and cultivate new growth points and new dynamic energy is the new problem we face. The task of promoting the integration of information flow and physical flow in both space and time dimensions and building a new logistics system is arduous. 

First of all, in the factor dimension, we need to gather all kinds of factors to realize the strong aggregation of resource factors. 

The focus is to gather various "flow" elements, followed by the gathering of various operational facilities and equipment elements. Facilities and equipment elements have weak mobility and can be gathered through logistics parks, logistics center construction, etc. Various "flow" elements need to be created through the industrial development environment, creating regional development potential, building a large platform, gathering resource elements from the surrounding, national and even world regional scope, making up for the weakness of the region's own resource elements. The short board, so as to achieve rapid industrial development, and with the new infrastructure of logistics network + information network, and then the expansion of the gathered resources and elements of radiation, through the gathering and radiation to form the development mode of the whole industry chain, to improve the various industrial elements.

Secondly, in the spatial element dimension, the hub economy should take the city as the carrier, logistics hub as the infrastructure, supply chain services as a means to develop the hub economy and promote regional development. 

From the current point of view, location, comprehensive transportation, market demand, raw material resources are still very important, we can call it the basic conditions, but it is no longer the decisive condition. 

What is the core content of the hub city? Is an efficient logistics system, a developed trade market, advanced manufacturing base, deep cultural deposits and quality business services, unique tourism resources, etc., like these resources for any and effective combination of cases, we have the possibility of forming a hub city development support and security. In turn, we can be based on this support and security, according to these elements to design our hub. 

The development of the hub economy is the most taboo is the hub of a variety of "flow" first-class and can not water the local economic and social ecosystem, so that the hub area is only the flow of goods center, rather than the center of commerce and industry center. We need through the big network, big platform, big channel, the whole chain and new mode, in accordance with the industrial factors gathered, industrial chain cultivation, industrial system services and national industrial policy guidance to promote economic factors in a purposeful, radiable at a specific point, and ultimately can form a scale economic development model of a gathering. At present, Chongqing and Zhengzhou in China, and some cities abroad such as Leipzig in Germany and La Sargosa in Spain have made positive exploration in this area. 

Third, in the time dimension, the hub economy is concerned about the various "flow" of the time dimension of the synergistic configuration, the specific path is the new infrastructure of logistics network + information network system construction.

In the construction of logistics network, the focus is to promote high-speed rail, highway, air, water transport and other integrated transport mode of multimodal transport development, reasonable configuration of the physical logistics flow of factors configuration, in the construction of information networks, the focus is to promote the development of big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other technologies to promote the advance layout of goods in the time dimension, to promote the construction of logistics network front warehouse, to meet people's time dimension of logistics distribution requirements. 

The hub economy is a large-scale industrial development mode of gathering, diffusion and diversion of business flow, logistics, capital flow, information flow and passenger flow with the help of economic factors and resources gathering platform (transportation hub, logistics hub, logistics service platform, financial platform, etc.), which has the characteristics of high supply chain, industrial chain and industrial cluster organization. Under the continuous innovation of Internet economy and the support of comprehensive transportation and logistics hub service organization, the development of hub economy with city as carrier is presenting a new development pattern, through the gathering of economic factors with regional radiation ability, mainly economic factors with the characteristics of "flow", the total economic expansion of the city, the industrial level leap, the development status is changing. Development status of the path is changing. 

Hub economy is a kind of platform and networked economic development mode, that is, through the planning and construction of targeted infrastructure platform, regional service platform and industrial innovation platform, regional economic flow can be realized along the path of transportation channels, transportation hubs, logistics supply chain organization, industrial chain construction, industrial cluster development, etc., and the network and platform services as a means to carry out economic scale Expansion, so that the dependent city in a relatively short period of time to become the region's economic growth poles, so as to economic development, in an important international and domestic channel node location of the city, through the new economic agglomeration mode to achieve the traditional central city beyond the traditional spatial layout of factors to achieve aggregation development mode, to promote the development of the hub economy. 

At present, China's cities to develop the hub economy of many basic conditions are initially available, on the one hand, the basic formation of the national trunk integrated transportation network, general central cities have the ability and conditions to carry a variety of economic flows, on the other hand, the construction of a well-off society in China will bring the expansion of domestic demand led by the economic flow agglomeration development, as well as the "One Belt, One Road On the other hand, the construction of a moderately prosperous society in China will bring about the development of economic flows led by the expansion of domestic demand and the agglomeration of economic flows led by the implementation of the "Belt and Road" strategy, which will lead to the expansion of new international economic flows in both directions.


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